This weekend I worked for a Spiritual Fair for Nicky's Place in Haarlem. This is my table, the candle I carved and dressed with my Maya Birth Day Sign and Tone which is One Manik'. One is unity and Manik' or Deer is a very spiritual day. I worked from 12 to 6 trying not to read for over 20 minutes, but rarely succeeding. I had 7 readings each day and most of them went really well. A few were like pulling teeth but I feel no one person walked away completey dissatisfied.

This is David, I sat next to him. He was born in England and resides in Scotland. I had a reading last fair with him, it was nice.
He is also a medium and runs crystal and angel workshops. He will be back in September for the next fair.

This is John, a Scottish medium living in Den Haag, next to him his translator or wife who is Dutch. They were both very kind. We all sat by each other. We were the English speaking afdeling (department).

This is a long shot of the space. The woman in white did numerology. She is Dutch and was very kind and knowledgeable. Her name was Hetty and a favorite of mine. We spoke a bit about the mayan calendar.

What spritual fair wouldn't be complete without the Gem Stone Table. They had the most beautiful pieces of Moldavite I have ever seen. They were wrapped for wearing around the neck but the stones themselves were stunning.
These were my favorite parts and people of the weekend. It was great fun and I learned loads. I may have even inspired a few people. I will be back in September.