Sunday, November 18, 2007

All the Mod Cons

This morning's frosty air inspired a walk through the Amsterdamse bos. Walking sticks are all the rage.
In my universe we have rainbow colored trees.

I can move in at the beginning of the month, providing I get the loan...

There is a built in dinning room for giants and a dutch family of 6.

Obviously Ted is King here. I wonder if Elvis knows?


  1. Hey SW! I had to laugh very much at your comments AND the first picture of Jack carrying a whole bloody tree, fantastic! I'm glad you found new housing ;-)

    PS: Did you purposely not allow not-registered users to post? Currently only people with a google account can comment. Also I have to type word verification.

  2. hey guys, no i didnt do it on purpose, let me get the i t guy to fix that. it is in english now so its clearer. silly foreigners.

  3. banjer says nice pictures still tyred from that walk i think but still dream about that big blok jack give him a kiss from me.
