Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Winter Solstice

Jack loves the snow.
He ran around in circles until he became over heated.
A small park in the neighborhood.
Ducks are having some difficulty.

If it were not for the trunks of the trees, it would be endless.
A blurry photo of the grote tree in the grote markt.

The steeple behind belongs to a church where Mozart once played.

Haarlem is proud to say they use only energy efficient bulbs.

From another angle and much steadier, the same tree.

Lit up behind is the Gemente building.


  1. That looks stunning I must say. I do mis the cold but cozy wintertime around christmas. Then again, you're "lucky" to have it like this because usually christmas = rain + wind.

  2. It looks beautiful now in your "neck of the woods", have a safe and happy Christmas and my the New Year bring you here in health and joy!
    your extended family from Adelaide xxxx

  3. Sensational! Just sensational Kramer! At least it's looking beautiful. It must be f*cking cold, but that's better than grey and depressing. It looks lovely all white and Christmassy.

  4. We got very lucky with the weather. It does make it that more festive. It is already beginning to warm up but that's ok too!

    Thanks for the christmas wishes viki, I wish you all more of the same. I look forward to the new year, hopefully travel is on the agenda. you will be hearing from me soon. xxx

  5. Wow! I am just really happy for everyone back in Holland that Christmas isn't turning into a soggy and grey affair. Brilliant. Those photos are beautiful.
