Thursday, December 6, 2007


This is Banja.

Isn't she cute?

Contemplating hibernation

because I have a feeling this will be our December

silver linings


  1. Look at Jack! He's so thrilled to be with the girlfriend!!! And I love those little flowers!

  2. jack is abnormally excited when banja is around. sometimes it is fun to see...

    i am always amazed at what blooms here in the winter.

    are you feeling a bit better? hope so.

  3. I'm still feeling crushed but indeed better than yesterday. Day one was an incredibly painful throat, day two was fever with pain etc, day three (today) was stuffed nose, thousands of sneezes and a snot factory. Tomorrow should be bearable if I get a decent sleep. I found out there's an Indian shop in our local mall that I had totally missed. I want to go see it tomorrow. It looks as if they stock a lot of spices.
