Sunday, December 9, 2007

little buddha

a sunny morning filtered through paper flowers


i ride my scooter along the Spaarne to Haarlem station

capturing light

and releasing it again


  1. You make nice photo's! Seems like you had some nice weather that day as well eh? Grrrrrrrreat!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful day that was! We're all a bit excited now that you finally made a cameo on the blog! I am so totally in love with your paper flowers. We just woke up here and it's funny how many errands a day one has, being unemployed. I'm starting to think it's a full-time job in itself.

  3. we have been having some decent weather in between the crummy weather. Now the cold is setting in. Tomorrow the highest temp we should experience is 5.

    nic im happy to custom make you a flower curtain for the guest house. send me some specs, it will be a cheap send as well and i can find some really pretty rice paper.
