Saturday, February 23, 2008


Some really lovely buildings around my atelier. I am heading towards the shopping centrum to pick up some art supplies.
Enjoying the sights once I arrive.
Last saturday in an old street in Haarlems center a small fire in a "massage parlor" broke out. For some reason known only to rocket scientists, the helicopter was using infrared to see where if it was spreading decided to land in the small street. His propeller hit a lampost broke off and flew into another building so he jerked the helicopter upward but fell directly back to the ground as he noticed he couldn't fly without all of his propeller.


  1. It's all happening in Haarlem! I can't believe that helicopter incident! But much better than that: SILVER BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS!!!!!!

  2. ACTION ACTION ACTION!!!!! Too bad I wasn't there...
