Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sugar City

These twin buildings used to be sugar silos and they turned them into really fun buildings. Of course there will be office space and a mega cinema. I really like them and they sparkle in the sun! They are located in Halfweg, just outside of Haarlem.
More signs of an early spring. It was fantastic weather today and the daffodils obviously agreed.
Since my flu I have been craving tomato juice like mad. I drink it all the time. I know it's chock full of vitamin C. I have always been crazy for tomatoes, but my craving is a bit out of hand. I can drink one pack a day, easy.


  1. I like those buildings as well. They made apartments of brewery silos here in Adelaide, but not quite that spectacular. I'm also most amused how marketing and advertising invents new names for fruit, like a "sun-tomato". It has good potassium (kalium) levels. The other fruit would be banana for that.

  2. Maybe they have to say Sun-tomato because they are mostly produced in green houses here.

    It must be the potassium I need. That makes perfect sense, I dont eat a lot of bananas, but I love tomatoes.

    would love to see the brewery silo apartment buildings.
