Thursday, March 27, 2008

Stone Du Jour

This is my beautiful tanzanite stone. It belongs to the zoisite family but the lavendar blue color, which is heat amended, makes it different.
It has a high vibration, bringing one into a deep meditative stat and raises consciousness. It dissolves old patterns and creates space for new better patterns. I love this stone, the color is amazing, the photo doesn't do it justice.


  1. The colour does like nice, even in the picture. I just woke up, could use some high frequencies now...

  2. And I want pictures of crab cakes!

  3. That stone is beautiful ! I like his properties, I can use some, that's for shure ;)
    viki xx

  4. it's a rather pricey stone, or i got ripped off. either way i love it.

    sorry nic, i miss so many photo ops, i will try to remember next time, but they were gooooood.

    if i see one viki, i will send one off to you, there is a gem stone beurs coming up soon in buitenveld. Nic and i went once when we lived in amsterdam, sigh...
