It was much worse than what I had thought. To the furthest right corner lay the remains of the Jag. It is a miracle that there is anything left at all.

However, from the ashes...

rises the phoenix, or the other jag. Parts were for this sexy lady. I am not fond of white so i will have it painted, black, what else? With a rich beige interior. She is officially an old timer so no road taxes! Dat scheelt in nederland!

Some people have kids that run around with buckets on their heads, I have a cat that runs around with a sheet over his head.
Oh the humanity!!! That looks like the Hindenburg Zeppelin!
So the fantastic white Jag is not the slightly damaged one from the fire, right? This is a whole other Jag?
How many cars does Alex have? How many cars does he have that nobody even knows about? I'm starting to wonder if he has stashed a few in the forest somewhere?
The white Jag looks brilliant. Drive to Australia with it already!
I was wondering the same thing, does he pull em out of his ehm.. nevermind. I thought the one in the building was only slightly damaged? Where was this white one?
Fatty is hilarious :-)
how long do you suppose it would take to drive to australia?
The bumper was damaged, that's it. It was a christmas miracle vance. one of many this year.
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