This candle is for me and the success of my business. Attracting the right people, business success and smooth transactions. The oil I used on it is Jupiter oil, for luck, and it is my personal planet for my sign, Pisces. Around the bottom of the candle are Alchemical Seals, I mean business, no pun intended.

The Stone Du Jour is Cinnabar. Obviously an aid to the candle I made, but it does so much more. It is an abundance attractor. Increases persuasiveness, aids in prospering one's endeavors without inciting aggression. It helps to enhance your persona as it invests a person with dignity and power. Aids in fluency to the mind and speech. Physically it helps purify the blood, imparts strength and flexibility to the body, stabilizes weight. These small crystals are on it's matrix. I really like the stone. It isn't a cheap stone though I don't remember how much I paid for it. I believe I picked it up at the International gemstone beurs here in Haarlem with you nic. It is also known as Dragon's Blood.

Now I draw your attention to the brilliant spirit orb, not the naked light bulb. I am working on a nice cover for it, the naked light bulb, not the spirit orb. This is one of the brightest I have seen yet. It was taken yesterday after I lit my candle. Gracias a Dio
That reminds me, I still have to unwrap my stones! I'd like to photograph each one and catalogue it. Vaance bought a book on how to programme stuff for Apple Macs, I hope he reads it soon and makes me a custom stone programme. (I also want one for my recipes).
That's a beautiful candle and a good luck orb!
That stone looks like rijst met krenten!
Nic aparently thinks I can shit software *grin*
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