Jack anxiously awaiting the command to cross the street.

We are headed to a near by park. It isn't his favorite but it will do.

Frisbee is the order of the day.

Jack has spotted trouble.

It's a really mean swan daddy. His family is nesting on the otherside of the pond.

We are gracious enough to stay on the opposite side but it doesn't seem to satisfy the really mean swan daddy. He just puffs up and is successful in making jack leave his bath.

Meanwhile back at the ranch rekel is perched on my new quilt. He looks rather comfortable and since he has been brushed thoroughly, I did not see the need disturb him.

Just a pretty tree in bloom in a near by garden.
Lovely quilt. I'm surprised that Jack didn't swim over to that swan to have a quiet word with him about who is the king of this pond.
Jack knows he's the king. He was very good leaving the swan alone.
All 3 featured animals are beautiful btw, I do love to see them :-)
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