It was a busy few days before Christmas. Shopping started in Haarlem on the 23rd. I really love the side streets in Haarlem. Nic this is the same street we had lunch in spring a few times and sat outside.

Since Vance's birdie episode I have been haunted. The Vishal is a Gallery in Haarlem. I usually like to duck in and see what is going on. I had to stop in to see the exhibit this time, due to it's content. Birds.

The 24th found me in Amsterdam. I am a New Yorker, I actually like the hustle and bustle and it still isn't as manic as America. I only stopped to look in the window at Pompadour. I was on a mission.

Negen straatjes. Pecorino was on the list. I thought the window looked somewhat festive. If you stare long enough at this photo you get dizzy. well, I do.

Someone's bright idea.

A quick stop at L'Occitane. I was informed that they will start another store in Haarlem in March.

Dat was het weer, tot het volgende keer!

Zen was on holiday, as was Esquinja. Good for them, beat for me.

This is proudly displayed on the Heinekenplein tram stop sign.
Merry Christmas!!
Wow! That was like the best blog ever!!! How cool to see all that! Pompadour look as if they had extra cake than usual around this time and the Kaaskamer, how great with those lights around the cheese.
I remember that lunch place in Haarlem, I remember eating green ravioli there. They're the ones that have sign in the toilet that says, ALL employees must wash hands before returning to work.
How good that L'Occitane is opening in Haarlem! If they would only open a shop in Adelaide now! (Maybe I need to do that. I'm already getting worried about running out of shampoo and having to order online.)
And Zen and Esquinja closed at the same time is harsh dude! I found this funny, little chocolate book at Borders that I plan to send the Esquinja ladies soon. Oh, and that reminds me. Vaance and I sent you a small parcel on the 24th. Keep your ears open if your door bell rings in the next few days for the delivery. I don't know how long the last one took, but it wasn't that long.
Have to go have breakfast now, Vaance is awake! Thanks for the uber-awesome-super blog entry!!! I could almost imagine being there!
Hope you had a nice Christmas! I enjoyed mine! It was nice to have us all at the table after long 7 years + two lovely young man!!!
Lots of love from us all
I made the rounds. stopped in at concerto and bought a couple of cd's. Esquinja took two weeks free! Lucky ladies. I'm hoping to speak with them about my ideas when they return.
I got you something from L'Occitane but it wasn't the shampoo, what are you using, the lavender still? let me know and i will mail you some, it shouldn't take long.
Viki, sounds like a full house. Reminds me it is probably time to visit my parents soon. Do you have big plans for New Years. It isn't my kind of holiday. I have decided to make blended alcoholic beverages of the tequila nature. and maybe some guacamole!
We are going to be in the Club ( where else !!!) on New Years Eve, catch up with some friends that we don't see often. Nothing big.
Have a good rest and "fill the batteries " for the next Year,
love Viki & Co xxxxxxxxxxxx
Ik schrijve Haarlem (in Niew York) "Haarlem" en leuten zeggen dat is niet goed spelling (is dit goed nederlands? ik weet niet... ok!! )) tot later!!
Haarlem is in Nederland. Harlem is in New York. Maar ze zijn er allemaal Jazz steden. Hoe is het that je kan Nederlands schrijven en spreeken? Wat geweldig. Voor wat andere talen spreken jou.
Dont go my dutch, I seldom write in dutch but i read great. that means it is only a matter of time and a bit of effort that im not always willing to give. I prefer to remain a buitenlander.
Thanks for the comment! See you at nic and vance's.
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