a very frosty crispy sunday morning in the Amsterdamse bos

jack waiting patiently to run to the lake? He won't run out of my sight but when water is involved he can get a bit impatient.

a pond somewhat frozen over

jack and banjer playing tug of war

the light in Holland is beautiful, Joan Collins couldn't ask for better filtered light.
Holy crap Batman! It looks cold! But I'm happy to see that once again there's a blue sky. All is bearable with a little sunshine. The bos pictures are beautiful!
Ehm, is that kinda like.. uuhh.. half a tree lying infront of Jack?
jack and banjer are playing tug of war. he used to give-in to her when he was a pup, but not anymore.
jerry, it's cold outside! It can be refreshing indeed with a bit of sunlight!
I'm starting to think they're going to have that 11-City-Tocht this year if those temperatures keep up!
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