Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Something for the weekend

great outdoors,
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Attempting Amsterdam, Better Belgium

Some paper out there just named Amsterdam the hippest city?! (it was either the ny times or de telegraph) tee hee

fruit or something like it,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A watery weekend

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tall Ship Races

Monday, August 18, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Safe Haven

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Long Over Due

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Psychic Drawing Weekend

This is David, I sat next to him. He was born in England and resides in Scotland. I had a reading last fair with him, it was nice.
He is also a medium and runs crystal and angel workshops. He will be back in September for the next fair.

This is John, a Scottish medium living in Den Haag, next to him his translator or wife who is Dutch. They were both very kind. We all sat by each other. We were the English speaking afdeling (department).

This is a long shot of the space. The woman in white did numerology. She is Dutch and was very kind and knowledgeable. Her name was Hetty and a favorite of mine. We spoke a bit about the mayan calendar.

What spritual fair wouldn't be complete without the Gem Stone Table. They had the most beautiful pieces of Moldavite I have ever seen. They were wrapped for wearing around the neck but the stones themselves were stunning.
These were my favorite parts and people of the weekend. It was great fun and I learned loads. I may have even inspired a few people. I will be back in September.
gem stones,
mayan calendar,
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Moving to a new blog

Sneezer wants all the faithful blog readers, Jerry, to know that the maya daily intention has moved to http://tonesandintentions.blogspot.com/. Thank you.

Friday, June 27, 2008
Tone 4 - Ik

Tone Four (Kan)
Ik (eek) key meaning: adaptation, the mind and communication. Northern energy
communication and circulation of thoughts and ideas.
This day is like a fresh breath of life. There is communication and sharing of information today. Tone Four adds stability hence everyone listens and shares alike. Decisions can be made with balance and detachment. Things may go different than you plan but you will adapt easily to any different situation that arises.
It's a great day for oration!
mayan calendar,
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tone 3 Imix - Alligator/Crocodile
sorry for the late entry, is it tomorrow already?

Tone three, Ox
Tone three sheds light and perspective to difficult situations.
It is balance, activity, joy. It is a day to forget the problems of life.
Day Sign Imix (i-meesh), primal creation and personal power
Energetic, practical creation, primal passion, dominating, nurturing, instinctive, sensitive, private
With the brewing storm that started a few days ago some problems may be coming to the surface. Imix protects with primal instincts. A certain amount of privacy will help to bring balance within when dealing with difficult situations.
Alternatively one may be very active and hardworking today but with a positive attitude. This gives space for creating with true passion, initiating new ideas. An energy that radiates from the east.
...Something completely different...
a good old belly scrub

Tone three, Ox
Tone three sheds light and perspective to difficult situations.
It is balance, activity, joy. It is a day to forget the problems of life.
Day Sign Imix (i-meesh), primal creation and personal power
Energetic, practical creation, primal passion, dominating, nurturing, instinctive, sensitive, private
With the brewing storm that started a few days ago some problems may be coming to the surface. Imix protects with primal instincts. A certain amount of privacy will help to bring balance within when dealing with difficult situations.
Alternatively one may be very active and hardworking today but with a positive attitude. This gives space for creating with true passion, initiating new ideas. An energy that radiates from the east.
...Something completely different...

mayan calendar,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wednesday 25th of June, 2008 Tone 2 - Ahau

Ka Tone Two
duality and balance between opposing yet complementary elements light/dark, male/female, good/bad, etc.
Ruled by the Aztec god of Earth.
Ahau is the 20th day sign and the completion of this cycle. It has a visionary southern energy.
This is the final cycle of evolution, the highest potential of all life.
Tone two accentuates the duality of Ahau, Sun or Light and finding the balance of opposites within ourselves. You may have brilliant solutions for the advancement of projects or ideas but may find it difficult for others to relate to them. Artistic and athletic abilities are at an all time high. There is potential for understanding great wisdom that will help in any leadership role. Be patient with those who do not see things quite the same way as you might. While many ideas may be of a grand scale, think realistically on how you may be able to carry them out.
mayan calendar,
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tuesday 24th of June, 2008 Tone 1 - Cauac

Beginning again with Tone One, Hun
Ruler: Xiuhtecuhtli Aztec god of fire and time.
the beginning
The day sign is Cauac, Rainstorm/Storm.
This feminine energy gives life, security and warmth while the storm plays it's drama outside.
There is a vast amount of knowledge to be gathered today, but with all the information coming in it may be a difficult day to focus on minor details or just one task. The One tone included makes it almost impossible to finish one thing today.
If we choose to make the best of this new cycle of intentions, we should approach not only today but the next twenty days with the faith and curiosity of a child. Seek new experiences, be assertive and ask questions. Understand and be thankful that all challenges presented to us are actually an opportunity for growth.
mayan calendar,
Monday 23rd of June, 2008 Tone 13 - Etznab

Oxlahun Tone Thirteen
Ascension and completion of all things.
Ruled by the Aztec supreme deity of creation Ometeotl/Omecinatl
Etznab meaning flint, knife or obsidian. The mirror of reality for all.
Today we rise above the rubble to see truth from the false right from wrong. The Archangel Michael is associated with flint in that his sword of justice cuts through good and evil. There is an honest and direct way of speaking today and an innate way of seeing through others peoples guises and hidden intentions. But like the sword that cuts both ways, be aware of using your insight and communications for the betterment of the situation and not as a weapon. Opinions are strong today, use yours for the protection and defense of others. In doing so we rise above our natural response of defensiveness to the higher level of justice and sacrifice for the good of all. It is also a day of deep introspection helping to complete goals, ideas and evolution to the next level.
mayan calendar,
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Sunday 22nd of June, 2008 Tone 12 - Caban

La Ka Tone Twelve
understanding and communication
Aztec god of the morning star who rules the just before dawn.
Caban, Earth is an introspective energy
powerful creativity and insight into ancient wisdom
Tone 12 La Ka in combination with Caban, Earth or Earthquake, seems to be an internal, cerebral time.
Twelve has a vibration of understanding and communication, while Caban is deeply introspective. Thought process and all it's elements are intellectualized to bring certain ideas that may be scattered into a cohesive whole, for the betterment of existing structures. It is a good time to change bad habits or to offer your help to someone who may be trying to.
Do watch out for a bad temper, sensitivities can run high!
As we move along the calendar we notice our perspective becomes wider, enabling a broader understanding, creating deep resonance with the earth and her forces to serve the whole.

It was Gemma's birthday today and she invited me to lunch with her and her boys. Afterwards I walked past the Grote Markt and came upon the Haarlem Cultuur podium beside the Grote Kerk. Normally on Saturday it is a busy market. There were young dancers on the podium. I believe it was young turkish girls in traditional dress doing a traditional dance.

I have no idea if this is a real instrument or one he fashioned himself but it sounded amazing.

This is from the funny felt store called Jannson i believe. It is a bag made of aluminium can tops. It's shiney.

"Don't look at me, I'm shy"
mayan calendar,
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