Beginning again with Tone One, Hun
Ruler: Xiuhtecuhtli Aztec god of fire and time.
the beginning
The day sign is Cauac, Rainstorm/Storm.
This feminine energy gives life, security and warmth while the storm plays it's drama outside.
There is a vast amount of knowledge to be gathered today, but with all the information coming in it may be a difficult day to focus on minor details or just one task. The One tone included makes it almost impossible to finish one thing today.
If we choose to make the best of this new cycle of intentions, we should approach not only today but the next twenty days with the faith and curiosity of a child. Seek new experiences, be assertive and ask questions. Understand and be thankful that all challenges presented to us are actually an opportunity for growth.
I had quite a few errands today and had to call health insurance people and did stuff like laundry and cross stitch and a bit of everything and I felt like I got nothing much of anything done, but I did.
I hope the new job will be an opportunity for growth. I'm not dreading it and so I hope this is a good sign that it will be an okay place.
me too! i have been busy since 8:00. lots of little things and then i would stop one thing do another and have to go back to try to finish what i was doing earlier.
i think the job will be nice. the king of cups must have been the person who offered you the job. they are a water sign. im sure it will be nice.
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