La Ka Tone Twelve
understanding and communication
Aztec god of the morning star who rules the just before dawn.
Caban, Earth is an introspective energy
powerful creativity and insight into ancient wisdom
Tone 12 La Ka in combination with Caban, Earth or Earthquake, seems to be an internal, cerebral time.
Twelve has a vibration of understanding and communication, while Caban is deeply introspective. Thought process and all it's elements are intellectualized to bring certain ideas that may be scattered into a cohesive whole, for the betterment of existing structures. It is a good time to change bad habits or to offer your help to someone who may be trying to.
Do watch out for a bad temper, sensitivities can run high!
As we move along the calendar we notice our perspective becomes wider, enabling a broader understanding, creating deep resonance with the earth and her forces to serve the whole.

It was Gemma's birthday today and she invited me to lunch with her and her boys. Afterwards I walked past the Grote Markt and came upon the Haarlem Cultuur podium beside the Grote Kerk. Normally on Saturday it is a busy market. There were young dancers on the podium. I believe it was young turkish girls in traditional dress doing a traditional dance.

I have no idea if this is a real instrument or one he fashioned himself but it sounded amazing.

This is from the funny felt store called Jannson i believe. It is a bag made of aluminium can tops. It's shiney.

"Don't look at me, I'm shy"
IT'S A SMALL WORLD! That "band" you saw is Carlos Vamos and Lindsay Buckland! Carlos has been around in Amsterdam ever since I can remember and we have bought most of his CDs, he's a very talented guitar player. The other guy, Lindsay, is a guy from Adelaide (!!!) who he often busks and makes music with! His guitar-like instrument is called an electric dulcimer.
They were in Adelaide at the end of December last year. We bought the CD they were promoting. That one main song is especially nice. Take a look at the blog entry from back then, it almost looks the same, except it's in Adelaide:
Carlos and Lindsay in Adelaide.
Lindsay's website.
Carlos website.
Hehe, we spoke to them while they were here a few months back. Carlos is Spanish. Unfortunately my last impression of him is not that good. maybe the fame has gone to his head...
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