Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bigger, Better, Best?

On the way to a place called Best.
Jack catching the air coming from the vent just below him. He is learning how to behave himself in a car, which up until recently was an uphill battle. He really winds himself up.Nope, it's not a petting zoo.
Or Jurasic Park.
Just how old do you have to be to be sold as an antiek anyway?
Praying the big plastic rhino doesn't anger the ancient plastic dino.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Some very ornate buildings.
A very small part of the marina. In the 17th century it was a very important harbor for the Dutch east indies trade.
Eventually it lost out to Amsterdam. There is a lot of tourism.
Someone turned the lights on.
The 17th Century tower Drommedaris I believe. If it isn't don't yell at me.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Some really lovely buildings around my atelier. I am heading towards the shopping centrum to pick up some art supplies.
Enjoying the sights once I arrive.
Last saturday in an old street in Haarlems center a small fire in a "massage parlor" broke out. For some reason known only to rocket scientists, the helicopter was using infrared to see where if it was spreading decided to land in the small street. His propeller hit a lampost broke off and flew into another building so he jerked the helicopter upward but fell directly back to the ground as he noticed he couldn't fly without all of his propeller.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dog Day Afternoon

Most of the day was spent in my atelier. In the afternoon the sun broke out and so did we.
We played frisbee for an hour and then Jack needed a bit of a cool down.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A rose by any other name

These beauties were given to me by my tarot client today. They are the biggest roses I have ever seen and the third bunch I have received in the last two weeks. I'm out of vases!
On Monday at the Grote Markt is a market of material and sewing accessories. I picked up some strong canvas to paint on today. It was a beautiful sunny day and the temperature was much warmer than the last few days.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

InnerSelf Cheers!

Thanks Vance for thinking of me. It is a fantastic paper. I have read most of it, and there was some very pertinent information for me. Cheers to you both!
Finally some roses that smell like roses. The fragrance is unbelievable.
Catherine is lovely, but sneezer takes the cake. I could be a bit partial though...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's Magic

This candle is for me and the success of my business. Attracting the right people, business success and smooth transactions. The oil I used on it is Jupiter oil, for luck, and it is my personal planet for my sign, Pisces. Around the bottom of the candle are Alchemical Seals, I mean business, no pun intended.
The Stone Du Jour is Cinnabar. Obviously an aid to the candle I made, but it does so much more. It is an abundance attractor. Increases persuasiveness, aids in prospering one's endeavors without inciting aggression. It helps to enhance your persona as it invests a person with dignity and power. Aids in fluency to the mind and speech. Physically it helps purify the blood, imparts strength and flexibility to the body, stabilizes weight. These small crystals are on it's matrix. I really like the stone. It isn't a cheap stone though I don't remember how much I paid for it. I believe I picked it up at the International gemstone beurs here in Haarlem with you nic. It is also known as Dragon's Blood.
Now I draw your attention to the brilliant spirit orb, not the naked light bulb. I am working on a nice cover for it, the naked light bulb, not the spirit orb. This is one of the brightest I have seen yet. It was taken yesterday after I lit my candle. Gracias a Dio

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Old Timers

Great cars in the parking lot of the Old timers car convention. Love a good Jag.
This old 1955 Mercedes was born in West Germany, and proud of it.
The very red interior of the West German made Mercedes.

Obviously a lover of old Jaguars, the entire nose of this Jag comes up to reveal the engine.
After. I really like the new Fiat. It might be worth spending a billion euros for my drivers license...nah.
Not only were there cars, but people who restore them to their former glory. This roller smooths the bumps from the metal that has been pounded into shape. I want one just to make sculptures with.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sugar City

These twin buildings used to be sugar silos and they turned them into really fun buildings. Of course there will be office space and a mega cinema. I really like them and they sparkle in the sun! They are located in Halfweg, just outside of Haarlem.
More signs of an early spring. It was fantastic weather today and the daffodils obviously agreed.
Since my flu I have been craving tomato juice like mad. I drink it all the time. I know it's chock full of vitamin C. I have always been crazy for tomatoes, but my craving is a bit out of hand. I can drink one pack a day, easy.

Friday, February 8, 2008

A Medicine Wheel

This is a mini medicine wheel. The size does not diminish it's magnitude.
When approached with reverence, it is a powerful healing tool.
My alter. St. Jude is my patron saint. The saint of hopeless causes. Enough said.
Jack and his afternoon nap.
Moet je?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ode to the solar eclipse

Stone du jour is the Sunshine Aura crystal. Made in a lab artificially bonded with gold and platinum. It still has a place in the Crystal Bible so I think it's legit.
It is a powerful stone that activates the solar plexus. It helps to release old emotional trauma. It also relieves constipation on all levels and releases toxins. And it's pretty too!
Instead of a crucifix, many Dutch churches have a rooster atop the steeple. What's up with that Vance?
I did a house blessing today for a friend and her new pad. So I made her a house blessing candle.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

First signs of Spring

This is where Jack lays his fertilizer. It may be slightly early this year, but we are not expecting a frost. Hopefully they will make it through the rainy days, but it's got to be a strong flower anyway to survive late winter in Holland.