Eleven encourages change with simplicity. The universe evolves through the vibration of eleven.
Aztec goddess of birth, Yohualticitl, rules Buluk
Cib, Owl or Vulture has an intense Southern energy.
Think of the owl with insightful knowledge, silent deep introspection. Today we are concerned for the well being of the human race. There is psychic energy abound, we have the need to defend the family and community. Think then of Vulture as an easy going with at somewhat lazy nature. A jolly surface may mask a more serious inner quality today.
Today one should focus on resolving some karma with forgiveness, and if possible visit nature or sacred sites to reconnect with the wisdom of the ancients.
And now for something completely different

She showed me her room, it was filled with flowers. Saskia says she takes way too long to fall asleep in her room at night, could have something to do with this very stimulating wall paper?

Sartje, like the good dutchie she is, likes her laarzen (boots). They have Jip and Janneke on the side, what good boot doesn't?
We drove down to the beach today so we took care of that visit nature bit.
I was just reading something about children having too much shit in their room and it freaks out their senses. Oh, yeah, it was something about babies needing plain rooms and you introduce a bit of stimulating matter every now and again. Little kids are the same it's all visual sugar.
No Kitsch Kitchen for you! ONE YEAR!!
My bedroom is white, for just that reason.
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