Ho, Tone Five represents empowerment.
This tone tends toward intelligence and skillful organizational abilities. Network and gather exactly what's needed for projects and new ventures today, investigation is fruitful.
Ho is ruled by Tiacolteotl, the Aztec goddess of love and children
Oc (ahhk) or Dog is the 10th day sign bearing a fearless Northern energy.
Dogs have a strong sense of justice and loyalty with a fierce ability to protect. They are keen, alert team players but can just as easily take on a leadership role.
Team playing and cooperation empower anything you busy yourself with this Sunday. There is a playful energy so participation in group activities will be especially rewarding. A sense of duty or collaboration with others may take you away from a lazy sunday but you just may find out some useful information from those you come into contact with. Warm heartedness and playfulness rules the day regardless of the call of duty or participation in group activities.
...and now for something completely different

LEGO! lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego lego!
I like lego :-)
The graphics are getting awesome!
Jack makes anything look good! the lego was just for you vance!
Lego always makes me happy :-)
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