Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tall Ship Races

Den Helder is having the Tall Ship races. These are the small ones.

We didn't stay for the races, but we did stop off to have a peruse. The dutch marine base is also located in Den Helder.

Jack came along. He was very happy to be included in the days events. He was also really well behaved between all the people and various nasty jack russells.

Today I had to stop at the WKT to do a small art project for a friend of mine. They invited me for brood en beleg. That is Inge on the phone, Andrea across the table and Inge's assistant.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Safe Haven

My new temporary atelier. That's your fish painting hanging out in the back.

The light is fantastic mostly because of the sky light. It opens for extra ventilation, but this little space also has a fan to suck out the air.

This is the main space, this is not for my use.

It's just a quick trip up the stairs.

All the necessary tools.

Back at the ranch, sneezer seems to have everything under control.

Apparently, from the look on Jack's face, this is an embarrassing photo.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Long Over Due

Buddha is amused.

Jack seeks amusement.

Sneezer sleeps with his.

The boys sit for the amusement of passers by.

Thank you for the fabulous hair products nic. i really like them. Sorry (again) for the delayed post. I doubt it will be the last time. This post has loads of verticle lines and stripes, but it wasn't on purpose.